Our justice services provide programs and assistance to individuals involved in or affected by the criminal justice system. Our justice programs support individuals as they reintegrate into the community, advance public safety, and advocate for individuals affected by the criminal justice system.
Our Justice Services
Our pre-release supports assist individuals residing in provincial correctional facilities. We aim to bridge the gap that exists between individual needs and being able to access services prior to release to meet those needs once they are released.
Operating under contract with the Correctional Service of Canada, our Community-Based Residential Facilities (CRFs) provide a safe, stable, and welcoming home and wraparound supports to persons on conditional release from federal and provincial correctional institutions.
Our community reintegration services assist people returning to the community upon being released from a correctional facility or forensic hospital. Working in collaboration with institution staff and other service providers in the community, we connect people with the resources, services, and supports necessary for them to succeed in the community and become contributing members of society.
We deliver many programs and services which provide alternatives to the formal traditional justice system. Our alternative justice supports address the harm caused by crime and holds people accountable for their actions while providing education and healing. While some supports include restorative practices, and others may be more education-based, all seek to inform members of our community about the impact of crime on victims, offenders, and the wider community to prevent and address the harms caused by criminal behaviour.